Dear Mike,
For your 21 years of service to BG&S and because it did not go unnoticed that you never forgot to send a thank you note to a fellow employee, we thank you. We are grateful for your contributions, your unwavering devotion as only a Marine would know and for your kindness and humility throughout the years.
You came to us years after completing your service to our country, but your commitment to helping others and doing the right thing never stopped. Back in 1998 you brought with you life experiences that enriched our practice and enabled you to be the very best attorney.
We’ll miss your drawl amid a room full of New York accents, your southern gentlemanly ways and your strong ethics. So, Captain Weaver, we wish you well as you move south and take care of your mom, and we hope you’ll keep in touch.
Semper Fidelis,
From all your friends at BG&S
Following 20 years of service to our firm, Mike Weaver has retired. He is moving to Southern New Jersey to be closer to his daughter, who lives in Baltimore and his 100-year-old mother, who still lives in the family home in Mississippi. We wish him well and all the best in his retirement.